Seeking with a Pure Heart: Adventures in Buddhist-Christian Encounter

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Course Description:

In this freely-offered, dana-based program, over three afternoon sessions, Dr. Robert Jonas and Dr. Mark Unno will offer an experiential learning opportunity in Buddhist-Christian Encounter. With nearly three-quarters of a century of combined experience in Buddhist-Christian dialogue and practice, Jonas and Unno will provide:

1) An overview of the history of Buddhist-Christian Dialogue;

2) Accounts of first-hand experiences with key figures in Buddhist-Christian dialogue and their contributions;

3) Guided Contemplative Practices that reflect multiple religious belonging and influences;

4) Demonstrations through expert live performance of Zen flute (Shakuhachi) by Jonas and Buddhist Chanting (Shin Buddhism) by Unno;

5) Participants will be encouraged to engage in active contributions through sharing their own experiences in Buddhist-Christian encounters as well as questions and comments they would like to offer.

Jonas comes from a rich background in Carmelite Christianity and Zen Buddhist practice and flute mastery, and Unno, the current President of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies, is steeped in the Shin tradition of chanting and will bring to life colorful accounts of his own encounters.

Robert and Mark are generously offering all dana from this program in support of BCBS.

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